I have experience in building websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS, VueJs, NodeJS, PHP, Silverstripe CMS, Codeigniter 4, Laravel 8, Mysql, Sanity.io, and more.
I have experience in building databases using MySQL, MongoDB, groq,Redis, and more.
I have experience in building cloud applications using AWS, Google Cloud, and more.
I have experience in SEO optimization using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, and more.
This website has been build using Silverstripe CMS and vueJs. I have worked on different parts of this website & Mobile App. which includes the journey planner, Bus stops, Service Alerts and timetables.
This website has been created using Silverstripe CMS and vue js. I have worked on the redesign of Home Page and some other fixes of "Find Plunket Near Me's" map
This website has been created using Silverstripe CMS and vue js. I have worked on the different parts of this website some of them are documents and news pages. Fixing some accessibility issues and some other fixes.
This website has been created using vueJs. I have worked on most of the parts of this website. Some of them are the adding Gears, weather, alerts, plan submenus to Huts and Campsites, updating main search functionality to find nearby tracks, and many more.